Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.
Taalthuis is member of the Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO). Therefore, it follows the general conditions and the code of conduct of the NRTO. Both for the consumer market and for B-2-B. The general conditions and the code of conduct are to be found via the links below.
The NRTO members contribute daily to the development of talents, of both young people and adults. Our
members are also sparring partners for companies in the field of learning and development. NRTO is a
branch organisation; its members consider it their responsibility to set standards with respect to the
conduct of their members. The aim of the NRTO Code of Conduct is to contribute to socially responsible
business operations and the promotion of the expertise and reliability of its members. This Code of
Conduct also applies to subcontractors and work partners of NRTO members who supply services on their
instructions. The Code of Conduct serves as a calling card for the industry.
Algemene-Voorwaarden aangevuld met voorwaarden TT 2024-NRTO.docx
Algemene Voorwaarden B2B NRTO aangevuld met voorwaarden TT (1)
General Terms & Conditions NRTO
Code of conduct NRTO
Complaints procedure
Taalthuis wants to guarantee the quality of the organisation, service and training products. However, there may still be causes for dissatisfaction. Taalthuis aims to solve this.
The following procedure applies:
1. In the first instance, contact your teacher. Together you can try to find a solution.
2. Should this fail, you need to lodge your complaint in writing to the management of Taalthuis, drs. Margreet van ‘t Haaff.
3. Within a week after your complaint is lodged, you will receive confirmation of receipt. The complaint will be handled as confidential.
4. The management of Taalthuis will handle the complaint. In case of a substantiated complaint, Taalthuis will make a written proposition within three weeks after receiving the complaint.
5. Complaints have to be dealt with within a specified time frame. If more time is needed for an investigation, the participant will be informed of this within the established times, explaining the postponement and giving an indication of when a decisive answer can be expected.
6. If you agree with the proposed solution, the complaint will be finalized.
7. If you disagree with the solution proposed you have the opportunity to put your complaint before the independent complaint commissioner: Geschillencommissie Particulier Onderwijs, Bordewijklaan 46, Postbus 90600, 2509 LP Den Haag, telefoonnummer: 070 – 3105310,
8. Complaints and the method of handling are recorded and kept for 2 years.