Online Course Special: Self-study Beginners Basic course, grammar module and books
The online Beginners Basic Course (A0>A1) is for anyone who has just started to learn Dutch. This online course is combined with an exercise book and a grammar book. The books will be sent to your home address.
The online grammar module contains information of the grammar book combined with a lot of exercises to put the knowledge into practice. Because we’ve grouped all information and all exercises of our regular courses and added a lot of extra exercises, this module gives you a perfect overview of Dutch grammar.
You will receive a 2,5% discount code to sign up for these follow-up courses after registration.
Every lesson consists of:
- Grammar You can find the grammar online and in the grammar book
- Vocabulary All the vocabulary that is in the textbook is spoken in the lesson and you can listen to it online
- Exercises Online exercises and exercises in the textbook with online answers
- Songs There are songs to listen to and gaps in the lyrics to fill in
The course consists of 12 lessons online and is accompanied by a lesson book and a grammar book. You do the course at your own pace ~sign up and you will keep access to the e-learning for 3 months. After finishing this course it’s possible to join a Beginners or Intermediate course. If you want to register for one of these courses, you will need to take an oral assessment by phone.
Online self-study course A0->A1
- Price includes course materials and access to e-learning
- Basic command of English is required
Optional Online lessons:
If you want to obtain level A1 with an official certificate, you must take an oral and a written exam. The cost for this exam (both oral and written) is € 125,00If you want some extra help, or you would like to ask questions, we offer optional Online teaching sessions. During these sessions, you can talk with a Taalthuis teacher. The price for an online teaching session is € 69,50 per hour.